

Participants will gain a basic understanding of the principles of Arts Therapy and its uses in different contexts. We will engage in some simple examples of experiential, interactive processes to give you a little taste of different approaches in the field of Arts Therapy. Additional materials fee of $5.


DATES/TIMES 23/03/2013 – 23/03/2013 10: 0 AM to 3: 0 PM


For bookings call Byron Community College at Phone: 02 6684 3374
or Fax: 02 6684 3115 or


The compassionate brain a free 7 part video Series

Hello,For Sounds True, I’m hosting a free 7-part video series with extraordinary guests – The Compassionate Brain– that will give you effective ways to change your brain and heart and life. So far over 25,000 people have signed up for this free series, and I hope you will join us – and help spread the word to others.The series began October 8, 2012, and runs on seven consecutive Monday nights, 8-9 pm Eastern time (GMT -4), through November 19. You can go back and watch the archived videos from previous interviews.

Each week, I’m interviewing a world-class scholar/teacher (in order): Richie Davidson, Dan Siegel, Tara Brach, Dachar Keltner, Kelly McGonigal, Kristin Neff, and Jean Houston – where they’ll discuss different ways to use the power of neuroplasticity – how the mind can change the brain to transform the mind – to open the heart, build courage, find compassion, forgive oneself and others, speak and act from both kindness and strength, and heal the world.

Here is a brief video in which I explain what this series is about:

Rick Hanson: Compassionate Brain: FREE video series
Rick Hanson: Compassionate Brain: FREE video series

You can watch live each Monday or see the archived videos anytime if you miss a session. These unique conversations with first-rate experts are freely offered – along with their  practical tools for cooperation, empathy, and kindness. (The series is particularly timely in light of a U.S. Presidential election occurring right in the middle of it.)

Our world has needs at different levels (economic, environmental, cultural, etc.) but the common factor in all of these is the human brain, whose ancient fight-or-flight circuits are dragging humanity toward if not over the brink. If more people and more brains – and thus more hearts and hands – turned toward compassion, that could make a real difference.

So I would really appreciate your support for this series. You could sign up for it yourself and – please – forward this email to tell others about it. It’s interesting, solid, practical, convenient, and free. And, one brain at a time, it might help nudge things in a better direction.

Wishing you the best,


Art Therapy Healing Trauma

Art therapy is still in the process of getting more accepted and integrated in the mental health system. This short video is full of testimonies and comments from experts in the mental health field to validate the healing power of Art Therapy.

A Healing Journey exploring Shrine Making

For more information on Shrine Making visit

Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Expo

Tickets are now on sale for our mental health and suicide prevention event Funny in the Head – Thursday November 15th, BALLINA RSL 240 River Street, Ballina, NSW.

7.30 am – $35.00

Funny in the Head Breakfast featuring Cynthia Morton: Australian of the Year, Pride of Australia Medal, Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence, author and founder of the Emotional Fitness Program.


10.30am – 4.00pm – FREE

Funny in the Head Expo and Forum, featuring comedian Greg Sullivan and interviews on laughter for mental health, music for mental health, iPad apps for mental health, pathways to manhood and womanhood for mental health and the recipient of funds raised - Lifeline Northern Rivers.


8.00pm – $40

Funny in the Head Comedy GALA featuring the fantastic Wil Anderson, Bev Killick, Sean Choolburra, Greg Sullivan, Fiona McGary, Mark McConville and Vanessa Wagner.


Thank you for all your support and I look forward to seeing you at the Ballina RSL on Thursday 15th November 2012.


All Tickets or 02 6686 2544


Mental Health and Art

Entries Open for Mental Health Art

People living with mental illness often find solace in expressing themselves through art.

They, their friends and family members are all being encouraged to create artworks to submit for a major mental health art exhibition to be held in Lismore in October.

The exhibition is aimed to raise community awareness, reducing stigma and encourage social inclusion. It will showcase a diverse range of local artwork including ceramics, sculpture, installation work, paintings, photography, drawings, textile, writing and digital displays.

Entry forms can be accessed via email or phone, and will be placed at local neighbourhood centres, art galleries and Mental Health services. Please email Kristine Uebergang on or ring her on 0439 607 697 during office hours.

A celebration of women 31th March 2012


A DAY OF NURTURE FOR ALL WOMEN – The Red Tent Festival is a special day just for women to celebrate, reflect and nurture themselves. All girls and women from 12 years of age and onwards are warmly welcomed and babes in arms only.

Claudia is offering a three hour art therapy workshop on self nurture and connectedness. For more information about the one day festival visit

New Dates for Shrine Making Workshops



People have created shrines for thousands of years to celebrate and honour connection to spirit, nature, significant people and important life events; in short, anything which holds meaning and deserves remembrance, such as:

  • Worship and Prayer
  • Love and Gratitude
  • Mindfulness and Meditation
  • Healing and Wellbeing
  • Birth
  • Death
  • Relationships
  • Creative Visualisations

Our lives have become so busy that we often forget or/and have difficulties to make space for what is meaningful in our lives.

In this workshop you get to explore what really matters to you whatever that may be and create your own personal shrine to bring that into focus.

You will learn how to create a beautiful shrine from a pre cut cardboard template which is quick and easy to assemble. We use paint, collage, and found objects to decorate and embellish your sacred space.

We explore together colour, symbols and imagery to enhance the meaning of you shrine. These processes are accompanied by group sharing’s and reflective self explorations.

Shrine building is a creative process which will inspire you, hopefully in an ongoing dialogue, to focus and remember and engage with your hearts voice. These shrines can easily be repainted and redecorated again as your focus changes.

Workshop Dates:

14th of March – 4th of April 2012

4 Wednesday Mornings

Time 9:30-1:00

Place: Mullumbimby (details will be forwarded)


17th/18th of March 2012

Sat/Sun 2 full days

Time 9:30 – 4:30

Place: Mullumbimby (details will be forwarded)

Investment for both workshops are :

$ 165 / Concession $145 (price includes one shrine and basic art materials)

Shrines in Clay 16th April-7th May 2012 Mullumbimby (more information on website below)

For more images, inspirations and to enrol for shrine making workshops visit

You can also purchase an easy to ensemble shrine making kit and create a shrine by yourself at the above address.

Women’s Resource Service/ 6wk Art Therapy

Post from Mullumbimby Neighbourhood Center:


The Women’s Resource Service and Art Therapist Claudia Gyr, will be offering this 6-week Art Therapy group for women who have experienced domestic violence or trauma in their lives.

About Claudia GyrClaudia Gyr (Leaney) is a leading Art Therapist in the area and has previously ran this group and received positive feedback and many of the women gained a lot of insights from the process.

Claudia holds a Masters in Creative Arts Therapy (Miecat) and has been trained in other therapy approaches like NLP, Gestalt, Kinesiology, Relationship Related Psychotherapy and Somatic Experiencing.

When:        Weekly Commencing Tuesday 28th February 10am – 1 pm

For 6 weeks until Tuesday 3rd April.

Where:      Mullumbimby Neighbourhood Centre

55 Dalley St, Mullumbimby

RSVP:         contact Kim or Neroli to register on 6684 4299

“Creative Arts Therapy uses the therapeutic relationship and various expressive arts modalities to explore and share how we experience our lives. “

“Often when problems arise we can find ourselves in a stuck mental space and the issues surrounding the problem are vague and unclear. Expressing what we feel and experience through a visual representation of any kind, be it through movement, paint, crayon, clay, collage or just through imagination, brings more clarity to our inner explorations, making it more visible and tangible than only talking about our issues.” – Claudia Gyr

Please forward this information onto any services that may be interested.


Neroli Jager

Introduction to Arts Therapy


This year the one day introduction course will run again through the Mullumbimby Community College. A popular and enjoyable day to get a taste of Arts Therapy.

Participants will gain a basic understanding of the principles of Arts Therapy and its uses in different contexts. We will engage in some simple examples of experiential, interactive processes to give you a little taste of different approaches in the field of Arts Therapy.

The dates and times are:

12WW011  Arts Therapy – An Introduction

24/3/2012 from  9:30 am and 3 pm

The course will be held at MULLUM CAMPUS ROOM 3

12WW012  Arts Therapy – An Introduction

16/6/2012 from 9:30 am and 3 pm

The course will be held at MULLUM CAMPUS ROOM 2

For bookings contact the college on 66 843374 or on line