
Art Therapy, An Introduction

This is the fourth year of running this popular one day workshop “An introduction to Art Therapy” at the Byron Community College.

Participants will gain a basic understanding of the principles of Arts Therapy and its uses in different contexts. We will engage in some simple examples of experiential, interactive processes to give you a little taste of different approaches in the field of Arts Therapy.


Course Code: 14WL011

Day: Sat

Date: 15/3/2014 to 15/3/2014

Time: 10 am to 3 pm


For any questions you can contact me through the contact form.

For bookings call Byron Community College at Phone: 02 6684 3374
or Fax: 02 6684 3115 or


The Loving Brain – a free interview series by Dr. Rick Hanson

Dr. Rick Hanson is a neuropsychologist and is offering a free video interview series -  The Loving brain , he is offering through en*theos beginning July 15.

He will talk with major experts on relationships, including (in order) Harville Hendrix, Ph.D. and Helen Hunt, Ph.D., Tara Brach, Ph.D., Paul Gilbert, Ph.D., Geneen Roth, Paul Zak, Ph.D., Sara Gottfried, M.D., and Christine Carter, Ph.D. Then I’ll do a wrap-up focused on practical takeaways.

Starting July 15, for eight Mondays a new interview will be available and then archived so you can watch it any time you want, or go back and see interviews that you missed. These free offered interviews are full of warmth and down-to-earth practical help. You can download them – including just the audio portion if you want – to your computer to access any time you like.

This series explores useful ideas and tools that people can use in their relationships with friends, family, romantic partners, children, or co-workers – including in difficult situations. What happens in their relationships is the most important factor in long-term physical and mental health for most people, and this series is dedicated to providing effective help.

The topics we’ll cover include:

  • How experiences in childhood affect us today in our relationships
  • Ways to grow caring and self-compassion
  • Freeing oneself from unfair self-criticism
  • The neurochemistry of love, and how to work with it
  • How hormones and imbalances affect relationships
  • Improving relationships with children and co-parents
  • How relationships can change the brain for the better


The difference between self-esteem and self-compassion

This is a beautiful presentation by Dr. Kristin Neff.

During Kristin’s last year of graduate school in 1997 she became interested in Buddhism, and has been practicing meditation in the Insight Meditation tradition ever since. While doing her post-doctoral work she decided to conduct research on self-compassion – a central construct in Buddhist psychology and one that had not yet been examined empirically.

In addition to her pioneering research into self-compassion, she has developed an 8-week program to teach self-compassion skills. The program, co-created with her colleague Chris Germer at Harvard University, is called Mindful Self-Compassion. Her book titled “Self-Compassion” was published by William Morrow in April, 2011.

Kristin was recently featured in the best-selling book and award-winning documentary called “The Horse Boy” which chronicles her family’s adventure with autism.

This is part of the bio found on Dr. Kirstin Neff’s website

Art Therapy for Cancer patients and their carers


The groups are run every Wednesday 1-3pm

Near the Lismore base Hospital at “Our House” Communal Lounge

Starting 17th of April- 26th of June for bookings call 66 294350

(The days will be run by different art therapists and Claudia will run the group on the 19th of June)

 these sessions are funded by the Cancer Council NSW

  • No Costs involved, materials provided
  • Working with Water Colour, Clay, Paint, Collage and much more,
  • Meet People with shared experiences
  • Express yourself, Take time Out
  • Come for an Art Session or a chat and a cuppa

Art Therapy for women who have experienced domestic violence and trauma

I am pleased to let you know that I am offering an other Art Therapy Group

through the Women’s Resource Service in Mullumbimby


When:       Weekly Commencing Wednesday 1st May  10am – 1 pm

                   For 7 weeks until Wednesday 12th June.


Where:      Mullumbimby Neighbourhood Centre

                   55 Dalley St, Mullumbimby


RSVP:       contact Neroli to arrange a pre-group interview session

on 6684 4299


“These groups focus on connecting participants with their outer and inner resources and strength. We all tend to focus on the problem and often overlook resources already present. The groups are experiential and educational giving women the understanding and tools to establish a sense of control and stability which are fundamental for trauma resolution. The group-processes also assist women to move from isolation to new connections with other women to promote healing.” Claudia Gyr.


The program includes five major components.

1. Learning simple mindfulness practices

2. Somatic body centered exercises

3. Education about the biology of trauma

4. Listening skills and group sharing’s

5. Creative arts process to ground experiences and encourage further insights.


These processes are supported in a non-judgmental environment respecting each person’s pace and ability. This workshop prepares people to be better resourced to process trauma in therapy but is not a psychotherapy group.  It is important that participants will have an initial interview session at the Women’s Resource Service to assess suitability.


 “I was afraid and overwhelmed with negative emotions and now I feel positive, empowered and more able to cope”…..

“Claudia uses her gifts and personal experience, understanding to guide you through a very powerful, healing and growing process that was so nurturing and empowering”

Some Facts about Psychotropic Drugs

This video provides the facts about psychotropic drugs and the huge profits they create for the pharmaceutical industry. I am not saying that drugs don’t have a place in mental health but I do think that people get often too quickly treated just with drugs. This movie is a bit american but if you bare with it you will discover some important facts.

Healing Early Childhood Wounds Workshop

Diane Poole-Heller is teaching in Sydney 16th-18th of August 2013.  In her words about the workshop:”Learn effective approaches to healing childhood wounds with essential body based tools that help clients enjoy fulfilling relationships”.

I can highly reckommend Diane Pooole-Hellers workshops for people interested learning more about childhood development, attachment styles and somatic experiencing. Her trainings are some of the best trainings I every attended and has influenced the way I work with people greatly.

She is also a very skilled presenter making the workshops engaging and very inspiring. For more information check out the link below.

2013 International Conference on Art Therapy/ China

Mixing Colors and Cultures: Art Therapy in a Melting Pot

For more details visit the website below.

One Billion Rising, ending violence against women and girls

Lismore & District Women's Health Centre are organising a dance event -
Lismore Rising - on Thursday February 14th from 4.30-6pm next to the Transit
Centre, cnr Magellan & Molesworth Streets.  It's part of a global
initiative: One Billion Rising, which is holding events across the world on
V Day aimed at ending violence against women and girls.  The event is being
run in partnership with Lismore City Council.  

We encourage you to send the attached poster and the global and national
information on violence against women brochure to friends, family and
networks.  If you would like to assist with banner creation, setting up,
marshalling or packing up please let Lyn know -

Afterwards sashay along to the Star Court Theatre for wine, cheese and a
good laugh with another One Billion Rising event - The Vagina Monologues:
<>  Also running at Ballina and



Explore the many ways in which you can create a beautiful, personal home shrine from a pre cut template which is quick and easy to assemble. We will play with paint, different textures, papers, stencils stamps and embellish it with things that touch your heart. A wonderful opportunity to engage in a beautiful creative process in a supportive environment.


DATES/TIMES 15/06/2013 – 22/06/2013 9: 0 AM to 4: 0 PM


For bookings call Byron Community College at Phone: 02 6684 3374
or Fax: 02 6684 3115 or