

Participants will gain a basic understanding of the principles of Arts Therapy and its uses in different contexts. We will engage in some simple examples of experiential, interactive processes to give you a little taste of different approaches in the field of Arts Therapy. Additional materials fee of $5.


DATES/TIMES 23/03/2013 – 23/03/2013 10: 0 AM to 3: 0 PM


For bookings call Byron Community College at Phone: 02 6684 3374
or Fax: 02 6684 3115 or


A Healing Journey exploring Shrine Making

For more information on Shrine Making visit

Support groups for women who experienced trauma

Resource-oriented,  Body-centered Art Therapy

These groups focus on connecting participants with their outer and inner resources and strength. We all tend to focus on the problem and often overlook resources already present. The groups are experiential and educational giving women the understanding and tools to establish a sense of control and stability which are fundamental for trauma resolution. The group-processes also assist women to move from isolation to new connections with other women to promote healing.


 “I was afraid and overwhelmed with negative emotions and now I feel positive, empowered and more able to cope”…..

“Claudia uses her gifts and personal experience, understanding to guide you through a very powerful, healing and growing process that was so nurturing and empowering”

“It has changed my life completely”…..

The program consists of:

  1. Learning simple mindfulness practices
  2. Somatic body centered exercises
  3. Education about the biology of trauma
  4. Inner child connection/healing
  5. Boundary explorations
  6. Creative arts process to ground experiences and encourage further insights.

 These processes are supported in a non-judgmental environment respecting each person’s pace and ability.

It is important that participants will have an initial interview session to assess suitability or are referred by a mental health care worker.

 As the program is structured to gradually increase skills and awareness it is important that participants can commit to all sessions.


Claudia M.Gyr

Claudia holds a Masters in Creative Arts Therapy and has been trained in other therapy approaches like NLP, Gestalt, Kinesiology, Relationship Related Psychotherapy and Somatic Experiencing.

 At present these groups are run and funded through the kind support of the Women’s Resource Service , Mullumbimby Neighbourhood Centre.

Mullumbimby Art Therapy is looking for other organisations and sponsors who also like to support these groups. Claudia is happy to travel to your location and tailor the groups to your needs.

Don’t hesitate to contact me for further information. Ph 02 66846543 or email through the contact page

6 wk Shrine Making Workshop in Byron

6 week Shrine Making Workshop at Still@theCentre in Byron

In this workhsop you will have time to explore the many ways in which you can create your shrine.  Play with different textures, papers and templates and embellish it with things that touch your heart. A wonderful opportunity to take your time and enjoy the process. (You can also come for single sessions to suit your needs).

For more information and booking visit

Women’s Resource Service/ 7wk Art Therapy

The Women’s Resource Service will be offering another Art Therapy Group for women who have experienced trauma or domestic violence. This group has had overwhelmingly positive feedback from women who have been able to feel more confident, better able to cope with their fears, anxiety and stress. The’ group’ also provides women with an opportunity to be not so isolated and to make connections with other women to promote healing.

When:     Weekly Commencing Tuesday 14th August  9.30am – 1 pm

                   For 7 weeks until Tuesday 25th September.


Where:      Mullumbimby Neighbourhood Centre

                   55 Dalley St, Mullumbimby


RSVP:         contact Neroli to register on 6684 4299





Arts Therapy- An Introduction


This year the one day introduction course will run again through the Mullumbimby Community College. A popular and enjoyable day to get a taste of Arts Therapy.

Participants will gain a basic understanding of the principles of Arts Therapy and its uses in different contexts. We will engage in some simple examples of experiential, interactive processes to give you a little taste of different approaches in the field of Arts Therapy.

“This has given me such invaluable tools for my personal and professional life.”

Tertia Maynard

The dates and times are:

12WW014  Arts Therapy – An Introduction

3/11/2012 from  10:00 am and 3 pm

The course will be held at MULLUM CAMPUS

For bookings contact the college on 66 843374 or on line

Images from the Red Tent Festival 2012


These three canvases where painted by women at the red tent festival 2012. The theme of the painting was finding balance between mother earth and father sky, between  receiving and giving, listening and creating, connecting our left and right brain.

I prepared the canvases and provided an open table for anyone who wanted to stop for a moment and participate. It was an invitation to paint and connect with each. I asked women to add dotts of different colours with an open and curious mind, letting the images emerge. Due to it’s simple form of expression everyone felt able to participate.  Adding little dotts one at a time invites us to slow down finding  balance between relaxing and creating. This process invits to experience the theme of the painting.

Women expressed that the process had a meditative quality and they all enjoyed the process of slowing down.


Nearby there was a basket weaving area which had a similar flavour to it….women gathering creating and connecting, something women have been doing for tousands of years.

The peace and connectedness was enjoyed by all women on that wonderful festival.

There were workshops on offer all day and stalls selling products and serives aimed to nurture and support mothers and women of all ages.

I also offered a three hour workshop on self nurture.  At the end each woman created a flower pedal to create one beautiful flower representing our time of nurture together.


Women’s Resource Service/ 6wk Art Therapy


The Women’s Resource Service is pleased to be able to offer the Art Therapy Group with Claudia Gyr (Leaney)  in term 3 for women who have experienced domestic violence or trauma in their lives.

The feedback from women who have attended this group has been overwhelmingly positive: “It has changed my life completely”….. “I was afraid and overwhelmed with negative emotions and now I feel positive, empowered and more able to cope”….. “Claudia uses her gifts and personal experience, understanding to guide you through a very powerful, healing and growing process that was so nurturing and empowering”

The group will run for 6 weeks on a Wednesday morning commencing Wednesday 23rd may.

If you know women who could benefit from this experience please contact Neroli or Kim at the Women’s Resource Service on 6684 4299 .


Neroli Jager

Women’s Resource Service

Mullumbimby & District Neighbourhood Centre Inc.

PO Box 149 Mullumbimby 2482

Women’s Resource and Development Worker

Phone: 02 66844299

Mob.: 0457 864 253

Shrine Making Workshops May/June 2012

2 Day Shrine Making Workshops

Our lives have become so busy that we often forget or/and have difficulties to make space for what is meaningful in our lives.

In this workshop you get to explore what really matters to you whatever that may be and create your own personal shrine to bring that into focus.

You will learn how to create a beautiful shrine from a pre cut cardboard template which is quick and easy to assemble. We use paint, collage, and found objects to decorate and embellish your sacred space.

We explore together colour, symbols and imagery to enhance the meaning of you shrine. These processes are accompanied by group sharing’s and reflective self explorations.

Shrine building is a creative process which will inspire you, hopefully in an ongoing dialogue, to focus and remember and engage with your hearts voice. These shrines can easily be repainted and redecorated again as your focus changes.

Comments from last 2 Day workshop:

“A fabulous creative workshop, mixed with the sacred and community in
a gorgeous outdoor setting. Relaxing, enriching, healing  ,inspiring,  joyful.
Claudia created something truly unique.”                                                                                                                                                                             Christabell Barney/ Art Therapist

“Claudia is an amazing person. I found Claudia to be very motivating, passionate and a great facilitator.”                                                                                                                    Maria Fernandes

“I would recommend the workshop to anyone as I came away more relaxed and focused than I have been in a very long time.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Richard

Sat/Sun 2 full days

Time 10:00 – 5:00

Place: 52 Robinsons Road, Mullumbimby (on a beautiful and peaceful property just 5 min. out of town.)

Investment for workshop is :

$ 185 / Concession $155

(Price includes one shrine template)

New! The open studio

The open studio is available for all shrine makers working in cardboard or in clay. This is an open space where you get inspired by others and get individual support from Claudia at whichever stage you are in your shrine making process.

Every Monday 10am- 1 pm / starting 24th of April

Bookings are essential as there are only 8 spaces available. Tea provided.

Place: Mullumbimby/ 52 Robinsons Road (on a beautiful and peaceful property just 5min. out of town.)

Investment: $35 / Consession $25

“I joined the open studio group this last week and felt so happy to be there. I felt like I gave myself a gift. Honoring my creativity, finishing my shrine which is symbolic in itself and having Claudia’s presence. She offers support if required, a wonderful range of art supplies but most importantly the space in which to simply show up and see what unfolds. A great way to start the week. Thank you.”                                                                             Kumari Ellis

Working in Clay

Claudia has 30 years of experience working with clay and has taught and inspired many students over the years. She completed her professional training as a ceramicist in Switzerland in 1980 and has since exhibited and sold her work in Australia, USA and Switzerland. Claudia is also a qualified Arts Therapist providing a well rounded, creative experience supporting personal developement and well-being.

You will learn all the different clay techniques needed to create a beautiful shrine for your home or garden which will last a life time.  A truly beautiful process. Claudia will also support other clay projects if you feel inspired to create something different.

Working with clay also every Monday morning at the open studio!

Full fee $ 35 / Concession $25

(plus cost of clay and firing for one shrine approx. $30)

One Day Shrine Making Workshop 2nd of June 2012

@ The Crystal Castle

A one Day Workshop using the beautiful template Claudia designed. Enjoy the beautiful surroundings and crystals and visit the cafe. Indulge and make it a special day for you to enjoy and create your personal shrine. You will be guided with choosing color, symbols and imagery to make it uniquely yours so you can take it home with confidence and continue to embellish and decorate your own personal shrine as you like.

If you need more support after, that you can join us at the open studio day whenever it suits you!

To get more information and to book for the 1 Day workshop visit

Shrine making workshops April/May



People have created shrines for thousands of years to celebrate and honour connection to spirit, nature, significant people and important life events; in short, anything which holds meaning and deserves remembrance, such as:

  • Worship and Prayer
  • Love and Gratitude
  • Mindfulness and Meditation
  • Healing and Wellbeing
  • Birth
  • Death
  • Relationships
  • Creative Visualisations

Our lives have become so busy that we often forget or/and have difficulties to make space for what is meaningful in our lives.

In this workshop you get to explore what really matters to you whatever that may be and create your own personal shrine to bring that into focus.

You will learn how to create a beautiful shrine from a pre cut cardboard template which is quick and easy to assemble. We use paint, collage, and found objects to decorate and embellish your sacred space.

We explore together colour, symbols and imagery to enhance the meaning of you shrine. These processes are accompanied by group sharing’s and reflective self explorations.

Shrine building is a creative process which will inspire you, hopefully in an ongoing dialogue, to focus and remember and engage with your hearts voice. These shrines can easily be repainted and redecorated again as your focus changes.

New workshop dates for April/May

For images, inspirations and information visit:

You can also purchase an easy to ensemble shrine making kit and create a shrine by yourself at the above address.